
The role of today’s CPO extends far beyond the traditional realms of sourcing and purchasing.

In the dynamic landscape outlined by the ProcureCon 2024 report, CPOs are the architects of strategic transformation, leveraging technology and driving sustainability initiatives in alignment with broader corporate objectives.

The latest ProcureCon CPO Survey by World Business Research highlights three crucial strategic priorities for CPOs to drive business enhancement: Process improvement, Minimizing Supply Chain Disruption, and Technology Implementation/Transformation.

Get ahead of the curve – download the ProcureCon 2024 report below if you haven't already!

By prioritizing these transformative areas and leveraging Beroe's expertise, CPOs stand ready to propel their organisations forward in today's competitive and unpredictable market environment. 

About Beroe

Since its beginning in 2005, Beroe has spearheaded procurement innovations, providing valuable insights. Our blend of expertise, cutting-edge AI tools, and extensive data empowers organizations to make quick, informed procurement decisions.

Beroe guides organisations through data complexity, minimizing risks and surprises, and gaining a competitive edge. With our advanced AI capabilities, CPOs can make proactive decisions, seamlessly integrating information into action. This holistic approach drives organisations toward a sustainable future, where data strategy evolves into insight strategy and decision enablement. Find out more about Beroe.